Faculty of History : All Pages
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- The Oxford Historian
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- The James Ford Lectures in British History
- The James Ford Lectures 2017 - History in English Criticism, 1919-1961
- Open Days
- How to Apply
- Funding
- The History of the British Isles
- Completed Research Projects
- Oxford Centre for Medieval History
- Centre for Women’s, Gender and Queer Histories
- Changing Character of Warfare (CCW)
- Oxford Centre for European History
- Centre for the History of Childhood
- Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research
- Oxford Centre for Global History
- Oxford Centre for Late Antiquity
- Oxford Centre for Research In United States History (OxCRUSH)
- Acts of William II and Henry I
- Around 1968: Activism, Networks, Trajectories
- British Medieval Library Catalogues
- China's War with Japan
- Cultures of Knowledge
- Everyday life and fatal hazard
- From Sail to Steam
- Global Nodes, Global Orders
- Globalising and Localising the Great War
- League of Nations
- Mathematical culture in Restoration England
- Medieval Libraries of Great Britain (MLGB3)
- Nomadic Empires: A World-Historical Perspective
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
- Re-Imagining Democracy in the Mediterranean, 1750-1860
- The Cult of Saints
- The Digital Panopticon
- The Jagiellonians
- The Professions in 19th Century Britain and Ireland
- The South Oxfordshire Project: perceptions of landscape, settlement and society, c.500-1650
- Trade and the Great Depression in a Long Run Perspective
- Transnational Resistance, 1936-1948
- War and Economy in Southeast Asia
- You the people: writing American history abroad
- Cultures of Diplomacy
- Defining the Global Middle Ages
- From Byzantine to Ottonian Empires
- IdentiNet
- Ming: Courts and Contacts 1400-1450
- Mobilizing the movement
- Oxford Diasporas Programme
- Scottish Towns and Urban Society in the Enlightenment
- The Gascon Rolls
- The Last Statues of Antiquity
- The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics
- The Other Special Relationship
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Accessibility
- European and World History
- Optional Subject
- Historical Methods
- The History of the British Isles
- European and World History
- Further Subject
- Special Subject
- Disciplines of History
- Thesis
- MSc/ MPhil in Economic and Social History
- MSt Global and Imperial History since 1400
- MSc/MPhil in History of Science, Medicine and Technology
- MSt/ MPhil in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies
- Lyndal Roper receives the Gerda Henkel Prize 2016
- Academics
- Researchers
- Emeritus and Associate Members
- Doctoral Students
- All
- Hunger Draws the Map
- The First World War and Global Religions
- Dr Stephen Tuffnell
- The Witches of Lorraine
- Trusted Source
- Hugh Trevor-Roper
- Stories of Survival
- Peter Wilson - The Holy Roman Empire: A Thousand Years of Europe's History (Penguin UK, 2016).
- Jane Garnett, Sondra L. Hausner (eds.), Religion in Diaspora: Cultures of Citizenship (Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship) (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
- Conrad Leyser & Kate Cooper (eds.), Making Early Medieval Societies (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
- Rob Iliffe, Priest of Nature: The Religious Worlds of Isaac Newton (Oxford University Press, 2016).
- Bryan Ward-Perkins, The Last Statues of Antiquity (Oxford University Press, 2016)
- Oliver Zimmer, Remaking the Rhythms of Life: German Communities in the Age of the Nation-State (Oxford University Press, 2016).
- Rebellion and Mobilisation in French and German Colonies
- Socialism goes Global
- Professor Richard James Boon Bosworth
- Dr Leif Dixon
- Dr Jean Dunbabin
- Professor Robert Fox
- Professor Yasmin Khan
- Launch of Women’s Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO)
- Professor Patricia Clavin elected Fellow of the British Academy
- Senia Paseta (ed.), Uncertain Futures: Essays about the Irish Past for Roy Foster (Oxford University Press, 2016)
- 1916-22: the making or unmaking of the twentieth century, Alumni Weekend 2016
- Lyndal Roper, Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet (Bodley Head, 2016)
- Administrative Staff
- Research Seminars
- Peter Frankopan - The Silk Roads: A New History of the World (Bloomsbury, 2015)
- Comparing the Copperbelt
- Psychic Dreams and Newspapers in the Late Nineteenth Century
- 'Have ye ever seen a child clemmed to death?': Elizabeth Gaskell and the Physiology of Starvation
- Through an artist’s eye: Felicia Browne and the Spanish Civil War
- Knowledge Exchange with the National Trust & Manchester University
- Who are the Walloons – and why are they blocking Europe’s free trade deal with Canada?
- Donald Trump's slogan betrays a renewed political fixation on the past
- Start Where the People are: Leadership and the Civil Rights Movement
- Roy Foster Wins the American Historical Association’s 2016 Morris D. Forkosch Prize
- Dr Dmitri Levitin awarded the inaugural Leszek Kołakowski Prize
- Black History Month Roundtable - 17 October 2016
- Dr Cecilia Tarruell
- RHS lecture by Dr Adrian Gregory
- Oxford Centre for History of Science, Medicine and Technology
- Political Crises in Recent History
- CWGC event Brookwood Cemetery 18 November 2016
- Wellcome Trust award for the Centre for Ethics, Innovation, Globalisation and Medicine
- Professor Antoinette Burton: ‘The Scorpion’s Lash: Gender and the Making of an Imperial Anthropocene in Victorian Afghanistan’
- Reading Euclid
- Jan-Georg Deutsch
- Centre for Early Modern Studies
- Comparing the Copperbelt: Political Culture and Knowledge Production in Central Africa
- Stephen Smith, Russia in Revolution: An Empire in Crisis, 1890 to 1928 (OUP, 2017)
- LGBT History Month: Oxford History Faculty LGBT Workshop
- Professor Martin Conway
- This ‘will of the people’ talk must stop – we need a better democracy than that
- Professor Lucy Wooding
- Dr Philip Beeley
- Dr Ian W. Archer
- Professor Stephen Baxter
- Professor James Belich
- Dr Julie Farguson
- Dr Gabriela A. Frei
- Gender Equality in Oxford: How Far Have We Come?
- Dr Jeong-Ran Kim
- Invisible Crises, neglected histories c.1900-present: Malaria in Asia
- Dr Atsuko Naono
- Dr James Willoughby
- Dr Nicholas Cole
- Dr Mark Curthoys
- Dr Robert Johnson
- Dr Dmitri Levitin
- Dr Alex May
- Dr Philipp Nothaft
- Professor Lesley Abrams
- Robin Briggs
- Professor Tom Buchanan
- Professor Richard Carwardine
- Professor Pietro Corsi
- Professor Jane Caplan
- Professor Robert Evans
- Professor Elizabeth Gemmill, BA, MA, PhD, FRHistS
- Dr Felicity Heal
- Dr Jonathan Healey
- Slade Lectures: The Material Presence of Absent Antiquities: Collecting Excessive Objects and the Revival of the Past
- The Carlyle Lectures 2017 - The Thucydidean Renaissance
- Dr Helen Lacey
- Professor Avner Offer
- Richard Ovenden
- Professor Robert Service
- Dr Veronica West-Harling
- Chris Wickham
- Professor Blair Worden
- Dr Tomasz Gromelski
- Professor Paul Betts
- Professor John Blair
- Professor Laurence Brockliss
- Professor Michael Broers
- Professor Erica Charters
- Professor Patricia Clavin
- Professor Craig Clunas
- Professor Christina de Bellaigue
- Professor Faisal Devji
- Dr Alexandra Gajda
- Professor George Garnett
- Professor Jane Garnett
- Dr Perry Gauci
- Professor John-Paul A. Ghobrial
- Professor Peter Ghosh
- Professor Robert Gildea
- Professor Kathryn Gleadle
- Professor Abigail Green
- Dr Adrian Gregory
- Dr Matthew Grimley
- Professor Steven Gunn
- Professor Pekka Hämäläinen
- Professor Helena Hamerow
- Professor Bob Harris
- Professor Mark Harrison
- Professor Dan Healey
- Dr Catherine Holmes
- Professor David Hopkin
- Professor Howard Hotson
- Professor Jane Humphries
- Professor Rob Iliffe
- Professor Joanna Innes
- Professor Ben Jackson
- Dr Ine Jacobs
- Professor Geraldine A. Johnson
- Dr Matthew Kempshall
- Professor Sho Konishi
- Dr Katherine Lebow
- Dr Conrad Leyser
- Dr Sloan Mahone
- Professor Julia Mannherz
- Professor James McDougall
- Professor Maria Misra
- Professor Sarah Mortimer
- Dr Marc Mulholland
- Dr John Nightingale
- Professor Natalia Nowakowska
- Professor Deborah Oxley
- Dr Jon Parkin
- Professor David Parrott
- Professor Senia Paseta
- Dr Siân Pooley
- Dr Amanda Power
- Professor David Priestland
- Professor Lyndal Roper
- Professor Gervase Rosser
- Dr Simon Skinner
- Dr Hannah Skoda
- Professor Julia Smith
- Dr Hannah Smith
- Professor Nick Stargardt
- Professor Giora Sternberg
- Professor Alan Strathern
- Dr Grant Tapsell
- Dr Benjamin Thompson
- Dr Peter Thompson
- Professor Selina Todd
- Dr Ida Toth
- Professor Stephen Tuck
- Professor Bryan Ward-Perkins
- Professor John Watts
- Professor William Whyte
- Professor Peter H Wilson
- Professor Alastair Wright
- Dr Brian Young
- Dr Mary Elisabeth Cox
- Professor Eduardo Posada-Carbó
- Dr Emily A. Winkler
- Dr Rowena Archer
- Dr Margaret Coombe
- Dr Yvonne Cornish
- Professor Susan Doran
- Professor Peter Frankopan
- Professor Timothy Garton Ash
- Jews and the End of Days: Oxford Seminar in Advanced Jewish Studies
- Facing up to catastrophe: The Great Fire of London
- Soldiers’ bodies, commemoration, & cultural responses to exhumations in the Great War
- From Aotearoa* to Oxford: Commemorating New Zealand Soldiers buried at Botley Cemetery
- Life as an Historian
- The Newton Project
- Home education in historical perspective: domestic pedagogies in England and Wales, 1750-1900 (Routledge, 2016)
- The Last Statues of Antiquity edited by R.R.R. Smith and Bryan Ward-Perkins, (OUP, 2016)
- Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet by Lyndal Roper (Bodley Head, 2016)
- Professor Ruth Harris
- Dr John Landers
- Professor Margaret MacMillan
- Sir Noel Malcolm
- Dr Elina Screen
- Professor Lesley Smith
- Professor Stephen Smith
- Dr George Southcombe
- Professor Christopher J. Tyerman
- Amélie Bonney
- Julia Carr-Trebelhorn
- Todd Carter
- Michaela Moriarty
- Gordon Fairclough
- Eamonn Gearon
- Tara Greig
- Paula Larsson
- Mao Mao
- Susanna Markert
- Taha Mehmood
- Michael Nixon
- Dominic Oldman
- The Oxford Historian: Issue XIII (2015/16)
- The View from the Chair
- Phacha Phanomvan na Ayudhya
- Hubert Stadler: A Memorial
- Geraldine Porter
- The English People at War in the Age of Henry VIII
- Loryssa Quattrociocchi
- Empires of Faith: interactions in art and religions of Late Antiquity across Eurasia
- Anne Whiteman
- Andrew Small
- Lykourgos Sofoulis
- Rachel Tod
- Eleanor Townsend
- Helena Winterhager
- Re-imagining Democracy 1750–1860
- From Byzantine to Ottonian Empires: Venice, Ravenna and Rome
- Jewish Groups in Vichy France
- Imperial reputations and early Victorian politics
- Art as History by the First Historian of Art: Giorgio Vasari’s Ritratto di sei poeti toscani
- Thinking With Food: The Welcome Rise of Food History
- Mapping Historic Oxford
- Helena Guzik
- Chloë Ingersent
- Professor Ian McBride
- The Widows of the Battle of Agincourt
- Waterloo 200
- The Political Economy of Two Great Wars
- Revolutionary Women
- Crossing continents: Panama and the making of the Modern World
- The Black Death and European Expansion
- India Decides: 2014
- Mr Bossum and the Boat Race
- Exploring Graduate Research at the Oxford Medieval Society
- Tulipmania: A Garden Historian's Perspective
- Professor Roy Foster
- The Oxford Historian: Hilary Term 2017
- Barbarism and Superstition: the Middle Ages in Modern Times
- The Vessels of Memory: Mediating Official and Cultural Narratives of the Holocaust in the Classroom
- ERC 10th Anniversary Week: The Cult of Saints
- ERC Anniversary Week: Nomadic Empires: A World-Historical Perspective
- ERC Anniversary Week: Comparing the Copperbelt
- Locating Women’s Agency in Early Modern Spaces: Knowledge Exchange, History and Heritage
- Algeria: A Place with People in it
- American Revolutions
- The Paradox of European History: How Independence Required Interdependence
- Peter H. Wilson: Inaugural Lecture
- From Analysing Power to Contemplating Socks: An Alumni Perspective on Studying History
- Dr Roderick Bailey
- The Oxford Historian: Trinity Term 2017
- Robert Fox - Science Without Frontiers: Cosmopolitanism and National Interests in the World of Learning, 1870–1940 (OSU Press, 2016)
- James McDougall - A History of Algeria (CUP, 30 April 2017)
- OCEH Special Annual Lecture - Making and Knowing: Vernacular Knowledge and Craft Practice in Early Modern Europe
- The Oxford History Graduate Network
- Jews, Liberalism and Anti-Semitism Conference Report
- Ang Li
- AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Studentship on ‘Art Patronage and Court Influence 1660–1714’
- Professor Catherine Schenk appointed as Professor of Economic and Social History
- We Stand with CEU: New Directions in History - HISTORIES OF FORMAL KNOWLEDGE
- We Stand with CEU: New Directions in History - VARIETIES OF HISTORY
- Patricia Clavin & Glenda Sluga (eds.) - Internationalisms: A Twentieth-Century History (CUP, December 2016)
- Dr Peter Leary wins Donald Murphy Prize for Distinguished First Book
- Dr Jonathan Taylor
- ERC grant announcement: ‘Feeding Anglo-Saxon England: The Bioarchaeology of an Agricultural Revolution’
- The History of Science, Medicine, and Technology at Oxford
- War and State Formation in England and the Netherlands, 1477–1559
- ‘Can these bones live?’
- Buried Treasure in Oxford’s Modern History Faculty
- Warsaw, Budapest, Prague, and Oxford
- Review: Henry VII’s New Men and the Making of Tudor England by Professor Steven Gunn
- The History of Dyslexia
- Thoughts on the new Global Twentieth Century History Paper
- Communism in an Enchanted World: Supernatural Politics in Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China
- Changing Times and the Irish Border
- “For Some Things to Remain the Same, Everything Must Change”
- Uncertain Futures: Essays about the Past for Roy Foster
- Pacification and Counter-Insurgency in Historical Perspective
- British & European History 1700-1850
- Dr Christopher McKenna
- Dr Alexander Morrison
- Professor Avi Lifschitz
- Talking Truth, Knowledge and 21st Century Storytelling with Chris Wickham
- Medieval History
- Early Modern History 1500-1700
- Modern European History 1850 to the present
- Modern British History 1850 to the present
- US History
- MSt and MPhil in History
- Acid drainage: the global environmental crisis you’ve never heard of
- Big Data and History of Knowledge: Virtual Reconstructions and Enhanced Publications as interfaces to research, education and cultural heritage
- Special Slade Lecture 2017 - The Materiality of the Divine: Aniconism, Iconoclasm, Iconography
- Professor Katherine Paugh
- Professor Catherine R Schenk
- Dr Helena F.S. Lopes
- Bethany McNamara-Dale (née Abraham)
- Isabelle Beaudoin
- Dr Hohee Cho
- Lucy JS Clarke
- Adele Curness
- Alexandria Dugal
- Alexandra Fergen
- Maria Florutau
- Nick Garland
- Lucian George
- Elisabeth Grass
- Theodore Jensen
- Beth Kitson
- Anya Perse
- Damien Shannon
- Stephen Symchych
- Benjamin Vogt
- Hande Yalnizoglu
- The Oxford Historian: Issue XIV (2016/17)
- Professor Giuseppe Marcocci
- Book at Lunchtime: Unlocking the Church
- How it looks from the Faculty
- Avi Lifschitz & Michael Squire (ed). Rethinking Lessing's Laocoon Antiquity, Enlightenment, and the 'Limits' of Painting and Poetry (Oxford, OUP, 2017)
- Annual Special Lecture: Books, Print and the Reformation
- Swift against Empire
- The Carlyle Lectures 2018 - Constitutions before Constitutionalism: Classical Greek Ideas of Office and Rule
- The Carlyle Lectures
- The James Ford Lectures 2018 - The Reformation of the Generations: Age, Ancestry, and Memory in England c. 1500-1700
- The History of Mathematics Research Cluster
- Giuseppe Marcocci & Lucio Biasiori (eds.) Machiavelli, Islam and the East: Reorienting the Foundations of Modern Political Thought (Palgrave, 2018)
- The Oxford Historian: Michaelmas Term 2017
- Graduate Scholarships in History - Update
- Resources for Schools Project
- The History of Childhood in Modern Britain
- The Growth of Gender and Women's History
- Why I am Studying History
- Costs of War – Impact, Meaning and Perceptions, OXPO Conference
- Mark Whittow
- The Global History of Capitalism
- Update your details so we can continue to keep in touch
- France at War in the Second Twentieth Century: Contemporary representations and memories, 2000–2017
- The Slade Lectures
- The Slade Lectures : From Drawing to Painting in the Italian Renaissance
- Professor John Darwin
- Professor Jane Humphries awarded a CBE in the New Year's Honours List
- Girls, travel and global issues: multi-disciplinary perspectives
- Dr Wilfried A. Kisling
- The 2018 Sir John Elliott Lecture in Atlantic History
- The 2018 Winant Lecture in American Government
- LGBTQ+ History Month – Oxford History Faculty LGBTQ+ History Workshop
- LECTURE: Professor Sir Paul Nurse, 'Science as Revolution'
- Children’s traces - One day colloquium: Centre for the History of Childhood
- Lincoln Leads 2018: What is Historical Truth
- Maria Theresa (1717-1780): Tercentenary workshop on the Habsburg empress and her time
- One Hundred Years of Women’s Suffrage: Where to Next?
- Natalia Nowakowska - King Sigismund of Poland and Martin Luther The Reformation before Confessionalization (OUP, 2018)
- The Polish-Italian Royal Wedding of 1518: Dynasty, Memory & Language
- ‘Renaissance Royal Weddings & Cultural Production’ Conference
- A Renaissance royal wedding exhibition
- High Court Judgement: Claim by Mr Siddiqui
- Writing Historical Biography: Problems and Challenges
- Vernacular languages in the long ninth century
- One Hundred Years of Women's Suffrage: How Far Have we Come?
- Sappho to Suffrage: Women Who Dared
- Global Dome Exchange Programme: A PhD Accelerator in the Humanities
- AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award: Country House Politics after 1950
- How hunger shook Europe and the Ottoman Empire after World War I
- The students working together to fight procrastination
- Do writing groups work? I tried one and found out
- The Annual Hicks Lecture - Rising Inequality and Globalization
- Call for Papers: Beyond Truth: Fiction and (Dis)information in the Early Modern World
- Beyond Truth: Fiction and (Dis)information in the Early Modern World
- A brief history of dyslexia and the role women played in getting it recognised
- Environmental History
- The Oxford Historian: Hilary Term 2018
- Mark Whittow - A Memorial
- Stories of Survival: Recovering the Connected Histories of Eastern Christianity in the Early Modern World, c.1500-c.1750
- A Historical Perspective on Dyslexia
- The Uselessness of History? Historian, Engineer, Brand Man
- Carnal Knowledge: Regulating Sex in England, 1470-1600
- A Renaissance Royal Wedding 1518-2018
- RAI invites applications for one-year scholarships in American History, Politics/IR, and Literature
- Dr Michael Depreter
- The first exhibition in the UK to focus on the Jagiellonians has opened at the Weston Library
- The Oxford Historian: Trinity Term 2018
- Global War and Disease: The Making of Modern Bodies
- British Imperial Responsibility?: Reflections on disparate approaches to post-conflict reconciliation and transitional justice: Malaya, Cyprus, Kenya, and Northern Ireland
- How gold rushes helped make the modern world
- Harriet Aldrich (DPhil History) wins prestigious journal prize
- The Newton Project
- UPIER: Uses of the Past in International Economic Relations
- Worked in Stone
- The ‘Early Modern Mind’ seminar series
- Professor John L. Brooke, The Astor Lecture in Global Environmental History
- Professor Wayne Lee, The Global History of War Lecture
- The Dr Ralph Walter History Lecture
- The Dacre Lecture 2018: ‘The sufferings and greatness of Saxony-Poland 1648-1763’
- 2018 Besterman Lecture: 'Methuselah and the unity of mankind: late Renaissance and early Enlightenment conceptions of time'
- Terra Foundation Lectures in American Art: The Body of the Nation
- History of Art Alumni
- Decolonising the History curriculum: A Panel Discussion
- The "Empire Windrush" and Black British History
- Changing Character of War Annual Lecture 2018
- Lynne Foote
- The Quill Project
- Oxford Centre for European History Special Annual Lecture 2018
- Sir John Elliott receives the Premio Órdenes Españolas Award 2018
- Student-Led Teaching Awards Nominations
- BA in History
- Joint Schools
- The Rebellious Royalist Women of the English Revolution
- Masters Study
- DPhil Study
- Vice Chancellor’s Diversity Awards 2018 - Faculty-led project wins award for Promoting E&D in learning and teaching
- Harmsworth Professor 2019-20 - Peter Cooper Mancall
- Language Learning
- History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Postgraduate Conference 2018
- France's Long Reconstruction: In search of the modern republic
- Algeria, France: How memory works?
- Housing, Culture and Women's Citizenship in Britain, c.1945 to the present
- 'Seeing Euclid' Display
- Welcome to History@Oxford
- History @ Oxford Student Blog
- Why study history at Oxford?
- Prize-winning research on women’s history
- Why UNIQ summer school?
- Ground-breaking research on Caribbean history
- The more you can bring your own personality and interests into your degree, the more you will enjoy it
- Exercise One - The Guild of Gentleness
- A Medievalist in the Chair
- Making History Personal
- ‘Neer the Theater’: Mrs Mumford and the death of tenants
- Empire History at Oxford
- Robert Owen and Europe
- The Global History of Capitalism Project
- Global History and Microhistory: AHRC Network
- New Voices in the History of War
- The Iberian World and the East: Go-betweens and meditations, 16th-18th centuries
- Endowment of Chair in the History of Science announced
- Catherine Schenk appointed as Alexandre Lamfalussy Senior Research Fellow
- Merridee Bailey awarded the S. Ernest Sprott Fellowship
- Research Day: Reconstructing Nicholas Crouch: the library of a seventeenth-century medic
- Digitizing Enlightenment II
- A Passage to Britain
- 'The Industrial Revolution could shed light on modern productivity'
- Outreach and Schools Liaison
- I am the furthest thing from a typical Oxford student – and yet here I am!
- You make your Oxford experience your own
- UNIQ boosted my confidence and confirmed to me that I would like to apply to Oxford
- Researching the history of international relations
- Industrial vigilantism, strikebreaking and patterns of anti-labour violence, 1890s-1930s. A comparative and transnational perspective
- A B Emden Lecture: ‘The birth of the British Nation? ‘Alone’, ‘People’s War’ and the mythical myths of 1940’
- The 2018 James Ford History Workshop: Women’s History in Britain and Ireland
- Dr Jeremy Catto 1939-2018
- History of War
- Intellectual History
- Science Fictions: The triumph of the imagination and the invention of scientific creativity
- Chloé Agar
- Jose Maria Andres Porras
- Philip Atkins
- Kit Barbour-Mercer
- Giulia Bernardini
- Archie Blissett
- Gloria Boeri
- Hugh Brodie
- Toby Burrows
- Shelley Castle
- Chiara Comastri
- Dr Katharina Friege
- David Gawkrodger
- Tanya Heath
- Dr Grace Heaton
- Thomas Heyen-Dube
- Bee Jones
- Antonio Marson Franchini
- Angeliki Myrillas-Brazeau
- Giovanni Maria Pala
- Tatiana Petrukhina
- Iffat Rashid
- Josie Richardson
- Laura Roberts
- Aleksandra Rutkowska
- Petros Spanou
- Alice Spiers
- Ella St George Carey
- Samuel Wainwright
- Christa Watkins
- Christel Arlette Zunneberg
- Professor Richard Reid
- Disability History Month Workshop: “Disability History at Oxford: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Future”
- Workshop 'Resuscitation, Reanimation, and the Modern World'
- Natalia Nowakowska - Remembering the Jagiellonians (Routledge, 2018)
- Ewen Green Memorial Lecture: Customs in Common: making ‘race’ in the black/white Atlantic
- The European Fiscal-Military System 1530-1870
- The Carlyle Lectures 2019 - The End of Enlightenment
- Dr Dexnell Peters
- Ida Toth & Teresa Shawcross (eds.) - Reading in the Byzantine Empire and Beyond (CUP, 2018)
- The HAT will be a very different test to any which you have ever sat before but should hopefully be a more interesting and enjoyable one too!
- One of the great things about the Oxford history degree is that it is incredibly versatile
- The freedom to explore new areas, and be encouraged to pursue them
- Remembering the Jagiellonians: A Book at Lunchtime
- Applying for Graduate Study
- Dr Alex Middleton
- Benjamin Mountford & Stephen Tuffnell (eds.), A Global History of Gold Rushes (UCP, 2018)
- Global Dome Exchange Programme: PhD Dissertation Accelerator
- Annual Special Lecture - The night of broken glass: Kristallnacht after 80 years
- BESTERMAN LECTURES: ‘Writing Rights in 1789’
- Thinking with Things: Reframing Relics in the Early Middle Ages
- The Oxford Historian: Issue XV (2017/18)
- Uncomfortable Oxford Tours
- Patricia Clavin speaks on Armistice 1918 on BBC Radio 4 - Catch-up here
- Prof. James McDougall wins British-Kuwait Friendship Society Book Prize in Middle Eastern Studies
- Workshop ‘Writing Technology/technology of Writing’
- Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships: 2022 Round
- Making Maritime Memories: The British Country House and the Sea
- The Oxford Historian: Issue XVI (2018-19)
- Jeremy Catto (1939-2018): A tribute by John Watts
- The Uncomfortable Oxford Tour
- Sadness in Interwar Britain
- Gandhi Against the Human Race
- Medicine and history – a matter of degrees
- CONFERENCE: Sacred Kingship in World History: Between Immanence and Transcendence
- Undergraduate admissions and outreach
- Terra Foundation for American Art Visiting Professor announced for 2019-20 academic year
- The Slade Lectures - Islam and Image: Beyond Aniconism and Iconoclasm
- It was motivating to know that I would be starting an important conversation in the history of British education
- Dr Richard Thomas Bell
- Lecture Recordings
- 'Into Silence' project receives PER seed funding
- "Debating History" Series: 1989 In Perspective
- New Approaches to Cultural History in the Early Modern World
- 'Reading Pepys' at the Living With Buildings Exhibition
- Book Launch: Robert Gildea in Conversation with Catherine Hall - "Empires of the Mind"
- Crossing the North Sea: Anna of Denmark, Cultural Transfer, and Transnational Politics (1589-1619)
- ‘Making England Great Again: Henry VIII and the Problems of Supremacy’
- LGBTQ History Month Workshop: Performance and Queer Histories
- Oxford in the Great War
- GLGW Conference 2019
- Robert Gildea - Empires of the Mind: The Colonial Past and the Politics of the Present (CUP, 2019)
- Climate change: narrate a history beyond the ‘triumph of humanity’ to find imaginative solutions
- George Rousseau Lecture and Colloquium
- The Oxford Historian: Hilary Term 2019
- Catherine Holmes & Naomi Standen (eds): The Global Middle Ages, Past & Present, Volume 238, (OUP, 2018)
- Alan Strathern - Unearthly Powers: Religious and Political Change in World History (Cambridge 2019).
- Standards and Their Containers: Global History of Standardisation
- Andrew Thompson to join Oxford from AHRC as Professor of Global Imperial History
- A Garden Shed for Clio's House?
- Revisiting the Polite and Commercial People
- Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms: Art, Word, War
- Incomparable Nations?
- Society, economy and the law in fourteenth-century England
- Roy Foster Irish Government Research Fellowship in the History and Culture of Ireland
- Drawing Wars: Art and Cultural Memory
- IT Information
- Dr Suzan Meryem Rosita Kalayci
- Environment, Climate, and Heredity: the integration of environmental humanities with the history of heredity
- Notre Dame: writers and the shock of destruction through History
- Transformations of the State in Ireland, c.1600-c.1900
- Colloquium: 'Imagining Madness'
- 'The Future of the World: Futurology, Futurists and the Struggle for the Cold War Imagination'
- Professor John Blair short-listed for the Wolfson History Prize
- John Blair - Building Anglo-Saxon England (Princeton University Press, 2018)
- The Dacre Lecture 2019: ‘The English history of France’
- Professor Philip Mirowski, 2019 Astor Lecture in Science and Capitalism
- Dr Sally Frampton
- Children and Borders - One day colloquium: Centre for the History of Childhood
- Late Antique and Byzantine Studies at Oxford University boosted by major gift from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation
- History Skills Workshops
- Professorship of the History of Art
- History, Empire, Brexit: A Roundtable Discussion
- I was always most interested in individuals and groups whose ideas defied the status quo
- Oxford has a place for all histories, big and small
- June and Simon Li Associate Professorship In The History Of Chinese Art
- Language Needs Survey for Incoming Graduate Students – 2019-20
- Oxford and Empire
- Call for Applications: 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships
- Ewen Green Memorial Lecture - “The Iron Curtain and the Iron Lady”: Margaret Thatcher, 1989 and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
- Dr Faridah Zaman
- Dr Salam Rassi
- Alongside history, I enjoyed playing football and found both offered a helpful release from each other
- DPhil Student Eamonn O'Keeffe talks to Kate Winslet about her family history in upcoming 'Who do You Think You Are?'
- Alexandra Gajda & Paul Cavill (eds.) - Writing the History of Parliament in Tudor and Early Stuart England (2018)
- Current Students - Information about your Course
- Dr Cathleen Sarti
- Dr Helen Killick
- Dr Helen Lacey's Peasants’ Revolt research received £1 million from AHRC
- Celebrating 150 Years: Victorian Symposium
- Massada Public Seminar: Jewish? French? Transnational? Jews in the Resistance in WWII France
- ‘Towards a Wider Life’: Norman Manley in Britain and Jamaica
- Enlightenment Projects - The Oxford-Berlin Enlightenment Hub
- Rule-mania in Enlightenment Paris
- The Origins of the American Economy
- Early Black Lives Special Seminar
- Dr Susannah Bain
- Alice Baldock
- Eduardo Benítez-Inglott y Ballesteros
- Jade Bentil
- Isabel Budleigh
- Cynthia Cheloff
- Anna Clark
- Lily Crowther
- James Cullis
- Galip Dalay
- Anna Espínola Lynn
- Naveen Zaidi Farhan
- Oliver Fletcher
- Olena Chervonik
- Daniel Gallaher
- Joseph Guido
- Louis Henderson
- Steve Hocking
- What have we forgotten about globalization?
- Dr Catherine Jenkinson
- Prateek Joshi
- Kaoruko Kawashima
- Eleanor Kerfoot
- David Langshaw
- Dongsun Lee (Hannah)
- R O Lewis
- Dr Saman Tariq Malik
- John-Francis Martin
- Dr Brenda McCollum
- Samantha McCormack
- Emma Nabi-Bourgois
- Seamus Nevin
- Shian Haw (Raymond) Ngoh
- Shaun Reidy
- Lorenzo Saccon
- Kate Shore
- Florence Smith
- Chui Joe Tham
- Reynold Kai Won Tsang
- Julian Bruno Vogel
- Bethan Winter
- Dr Catherine M Jackson
- Faculty of History awarded an Athena SWAN bronze award
- Announcement of Stavros Niarchos Foundation Director of the Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research
- Research Centres
- A Post-Anthropocentric Politics: Can Neo-Materialist Theory Provide Effective Solutions To the Problems of Global Mining?
- Disability History Month Workshop 2019
- Dr Jennifer Altehenger
- There is support to help you to study successfully
- The History Tomorrow Fund
- The James Ford Lectures 2020 - Family and Empire: Kinship and British Colonialism in the East India Company Era, c. 1750-1850
- Jewish Country Houses
- Decades neglecting an ancient disease has triggered a health emergency around the world
- What do we mean when we talk about statues?
- Pekka Hämäläinen - Lakota America: A New History of Indigenous Power (Yale University Press, 2019)
- Professor Adam Smith
- Professor Peter Frankopan has won the Calliope Prize for Practical Migration Research 2019
- Dr Fanny Bessard
- Richard J. Reid - A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present (Wiley, 2019)
- Dr Katie McKeogh
- Laura Spence
- Liz Owen
- Andrea Hopkins
- Joe Shepherd
- Maya Blackwell
- Alex Vickers
- Isabelle Moriceau
- Callum Kelly
- Zoe Townsend
- Graham Lockey
- Ffion Godwin
- Belinda Clark
- Louis Hudson
- Charlie Rudman
- Jane Smith
- Kellie Chiu
- Edward Rendel
- Joseph Monaghan
- Miranda Lewis
- Claire Phillips
- Briony Truscott
- Penelope Lane
- Alexander Stavrou
- Empires of the mind: the colonial past and the politics of the present
- The Oxford Historian: Issue XVII (2019-20)
- Necromancy and Witchcraft – or Theft?
- Teaching Resources
- Women and the Welfare State
- Food security, heredity, and the environment in nineteenth-century Britain
- Demons & Dames: a new podcast
- Lives and Our Times: Including the Recently-Deceased in the Oxford DNB
- Professor Sarah S Elkind - Fishing and the Global History of Conservation: Preliminary Comparisons of Past and Present
- Roman Osharov
- Hayley Ross
- Michael Lobel announced as Terra Foundation for American Art Visiting Professor in 2020-21
- Professor Geoffrey Batchen
- From the rights of man to human rights
- How it looks from the Faculty (2018/19)
- Howard Hotson & Thomas Wallnig (eds.) - Reassembling the Republic of Letters in the Digital Age: Standards, Systems, Scholarship (2020)
- Annual Special Lecture - The Canons of Nablus and Sexuality in Medieval Western Europe
- Research Impact and Knowledge Exchange
- Dr Joshua Bennett
- Dr Silvia Davoli
- Professor Andrew Thompson
- Call for Papers: Cabinet, Elaboratory, Gallery 1500-1800
- 'British Baroque' at Tate Britain
- How I made a remarkable discovery in LGBT history - by mistake!
- J.P. Park wins the 2020 Charles Rufus Morey Book Award
- To prepare climate strikers for the future, we need to rewrite the history books
- Virtual Event - Year 12 Humanities BAME Study Day 2020
- Doing History Differently
- Digital Modelling of Western State Constitutional Conventions by Undergraduates: Extending the Quill Project
- What can the Black Death tell us about the global economic consequences of a pandemic?
- Professor Abigail Green is leading a 4 year research project aiming to establish 'Jewish' country houses as a focus for research
- Richard Reid - Shallow Graves: A Memoir of the Ethiopia–Eritrea War (Hurst Publishers, 2020)
- Anna Connolly
- We are hiring - Departmental Lecturer in Medieval and Renaissance Art History
- New Statutory Chair in Women’s History Announced - The Hillary Rodham Clinton Chair of Women’s History
- New MSt/MPhil in History Strand - Women’s, Gender and Queer History
- Faculty Office Holders
- Dr Netta Cohen
- Tribute to Professor Richard Sharpe (1954-2020)
- Covid-19 Faculty of History updates to students are available in the Oxford Historians Hub
- Professor Jane Humphries awarded 2019 Royal Economic Society Prize
- Quarantine used to be a normal part of life – and wasn’t much liked then, either
- Anti-Asian racism during coronavirus: How the language of disease produces hate and violence
- Martin Conway - Western Europe’s Democratic Age: 1945-1968 (Princeton University Press, 2020)
- The Writings of Gerald of Wales
- The Writings of Gerald of Wales
- Women’s, Gender and Queer History
- The Mecca of Europe in Suburban Surrey: Day Trip to two of Britain’s most historically significant - and unexpected - religious sites
- Professor Paul Slack
- How England became the Sweetshop of Europe
- Why we need the human touch in contact tracing for coronavirus
- Does Democracy Have a History?
- First Generation into Higher Education
- Dr Margaret Pelling
- Viral videos of racism: how an old civil rights strategy is being used in a new digital age
- History Faculty Statement of Values
- Two years of the Oxford and Empire Project
- British Liberty and the Slave Trade
- BA Ancient and Modern History
- BA History and Economics
- BA History and Modern Languages
- BA History and Politics
- BA History and English
- Dr Helen Gittos
- Professor J P Park
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships - Applications Open!
- 10 Reasons to Study History at Oxford
- Develop your skills as an historian
- Written Work
- Interviews
- Admissions facts and figures
- Past pandemics exacerbated disadvantages – what we can learn from them about the coronavirus recovery
- Exercise Two - Indigenous Javanese Religion of the Republic of Indonesia
- Primary Source Exercises
- Exercise Three - Oral History Interviews
- Alan Strathern wins WHA Bentley Prize
- Pandemics and Plagues in History
- 2020-21 Terra Foundation Visiting Professor announced
- 'Imposter syndrome'
- Clare Reynolds
- Ben Jackson - The Case for Scottish Independence: A History of Nationalist Political Thought in Modern Scotland (CUP, 2020)
- Special issue: History of Science and Medicine in the Context of COVID-19
- Barbara Savage Prize for best thesis in Black History
- ESH DPhil Mimi Goodall Wins Research Prize from the Institute of Historical Research
- Professor Catherine Schenk awarded ERC grant for new research project
- Professor Jane Humphries Discusses the Long-Run Impact of Pandemics
- Study Days
- Careers
- Report on BAME Humanities Study Day
- Outreach during the COVID-19 pandemic
- History Website Profile Form
- There is no one kind of Historian
- Commemorating One Hundred Years of Degrees for Women
- A route to discover Jewish Palaces, Villas, and Country Houses
- Dr Ben Gilding
- Study something in depth that truly inspires you
- On-Line Book Launch of Ben Jackson’s The Case for Scottish Independence: A History of Nationalist Political Thought in Modern Scotland
- Ewen Green Memorial Lecture: ‘Love in the Time of Welfare'
- Special Faculty Lecture: “Decently-Clad Women and Trousered Men". The Missionary and the Body
- For Teachers and Advisors
- Online History Skills Workshops
- Online History Teacher Workshops
- Dr Matthew Landrus
- Abhimanyu Arni
- Nikita Arora
- Benjamin Arrona
- Dr Lauren Working
- Hazim Azghari
- Barnabas Balint
- Berklee Baum
- Colette Bellingham-Kennedy
- Eli P. Bernstein
- Eleanor Birch
- Christopher Birks
- Dr Karl Kinsella
- Jacob Brandler
- Nicola Carotenuto
- Dr Stephanie M. Cavanaugh
- Jacob Chatterjee
- Xiangming Chen
- Minji Chun
- Dr Richard Allen
- Jenna Zmrzel
- Hanzhi Zhang
- Eunice Yu
- Jonathan Thomas Wild
- Andrew Walsh
- Dragana Van de moortel
- Dr Cesare Vagge
- Paul Ulishney
- C.H. Lucas Tse
- Itamar Toussia Cohen
- Amy Tibble
- James Alexander Samuel Sunderland
- Weihan Sun
- Alfie Steer
- Michael Collins
- Owen Coughlan
- Andrew Dalkin
- Konradin Eigler
- Dr Katherine Fapp
- Nicolas Garraud
- Jake Gasson
- Oliver Gough
- Annabel Hancock
- Zobia Haq
- Yannik Herbert
- John Howard
- Sheetal Jain
- Siyao Jiang
- Emmi Joensuu
- Jason Kelley
- Dr Alexandra Solovyev
- William Kinsella
- Elizabeth Knox
- Rebeca Kritsch
- Eirik Kvindesland
- Riccardo Liberati
- Yicen Liu
- Zongyue Liu
- Nick Logan
- Fleur MacInnes
- KDee Aimiti Ma'ia'i
- Jagyoseni Mandal
- Daniel McAteer
- Thomas McAuliffe
- Menggelisha
- Dr John Merrington
- James Drysdale Miller
- Alizeh Tariq Paracha
- George Pickering
- Rachel Reville
- Michael T. Roberts
- Laura Rosenheim
- Elena Rossi
- Richard C. Schlag
- Ingrid Schreiber
- Hannah Searle
- Philip Smith
- Zhou (Joe) Fang
- Helena Neimann Erikstrup
- William Bunce
- Tier Blundell
- Announcing the first Hillary Rodham Clinton Professor of Women’s History
- COVID-19 anti-vaxxers use the same arguments from 135 years ago
- Professor Sheilagh Ogilvie
- Race Equality Action Group (REAG)
- Women and Equalities Law: Historical Perspectives on Present Issues
- A Short History of Women’s Education at the University of Oxford
- 2020 Carwardine Prize Announced
- Dr Mirela Ivanova
- Dr Yusen Yu
- Besterman Lecture: Who were the French Revolutionaries?
- Anniversary discussion of D’Holbach’s Système de la nature
- Writing a History of Reading Disorders
- Summer Vacation in the Archives
- Dr Laura Flannigan
- Dr Michelle Pfeffer
- Gender Equality Statement
- Disability Equality Statement
- Climate in the History Curriculum
- Boosting Intellectual Creativity with Exercise
- Race Equality Statement
- Robert Gildea & Ismee Tames - Fighters across frontiers: Transnational resistance in Europe, 1936–48 (Manchester University Press, 2020)
- Writing 'living' history
- Dr Deirdre Foley
- King Sigismund and Martin Luther: the Reformation Before Confessionalization - Winner of Four Book Prizes
- Dr Priya Atwal
- Selected Further Resources for Research and Study
- Interviews
- Conflict between Tigray and Eritrea – the long standing faultline in Ethiopian politics
- Athena SWAN Bronze Award
- Welfare Advice
- Lessons from History
- Medieval History – A Convert’s Tale
- Confronting colonial legacies in London’s ‘Little India’
- Online launch of ‘America & Race’ Bibliography
- Futuremakers podcast: The History of Pandemics
- Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000
- Dr John-Paul Ghobrial awarded major ERC grant
- The forgotten war heroes who left their own countries to help others – and were never thanked
- Erica Charters in conversation with Zoltán Molnár: A History of Medicine perspective on Thomas Willis
- Eastman Professor’s Seminar: New crossings and combinations
- During the Pandemic
- Oxford Centre for European History Special Annual Lecture 2020-2021
- Ireland, Empire and the Early Modern World: this year's Ford Lectures to start on Friday
- Book Launch: Snakes and Ladders: the Great British Social Mobility Myth
- Oxford Centre for Intellectual History
- Oxford Centre for Economic and Social History
- Home from home - staying connected through COVID
- ‘The Contest for the Equal Citizenship of the Mind’: Reflections on the Centenary of Women's Formal Admission to the University of Oxford.
- COVID-19 vaccination: What we can learn from the great polio vaccine heist of 1959
- COVID vaccines: countries have a history of acting selfishly – and when they do, everyone loses out
- Dr Emanuela Vai
- Book Launch: Snakes and Ladders: The Great British Social Mobility Myth; Professor Selina Todd in conversation with John McDonnell MP
- How Epidemics End: A multidisciplinary project
- Graduate access programmes now open for 2021 applications
- War and Military History
- Dr Meleisa Ono-George appointed as Associate Professor in Black British History
- Slade Lectures: Philip Guston (1913-1980) History and the Art of Painting
- The Carlyle Lectures 2020 - Don’t Think for Yourself: Authority and Belief in Medieval Philosophy
- The Carlyle Lectures 2021 - John Locke and Empire
- The James Ford Lectures 2019 - After the Black Death: Society, economy and the law in fourteenth-century England
- LGBT History Month event 2020
- Women Making History: 100 Years of Oxford Degrees for Women
- The James Ford Lectures 2021 - Ireland, empire, and the early modern world
- Dr Mirela Ivanova chosen as a New Generation Thinker
- The German Peasants’ War, 1524–1525
- Alexander Morrison - The Russian Conquest of Central Asia A Study in Imperial Expansion, 1814-1914 (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
- Aminat Chokobaeva, Cloé Drieu & Alexander Morrison (ed.) The Central Asian Revolt of 1916. A collapsing empire in the age of war and revolution (Manchester University Press, 2019)
- Avi Lifschitz (ed.), Frederick the Great’s Philosophical Writings, tr. Angela Scholar (Princeton University Press, 2021)
- George Garnett - The Norman Conquest in English History Volume I: A Broken Chain? (OUP, 2021)
- Howard Hotson - The Reformation of Common Learning: Post-Ramist Method and the Reception of the New Philosophy, 1618-1670 (OUP 2020)
- Dr Sophie Nicholls
- Slade Lectures 2021: Material Histories of Medieval Iberia
- Lyndal Roper - Living I Was Your Plague: Martin Luther's World and Legacy (PUP, 2021)
- What happens in a History tutorial?
- The Miners’ Strike of 1984-5: an oral history
- Colloquium: The Intellectual Lives of Children
- Tips from my first year - reading
- Now available online (Open Access): ‘Across the Copperbelt: Urban & Social Change in Central Africa’s Borderland Communities’
- The Oxford Historian: Issue XVIII (2020-21)
- History Outreach
- Giuseppe Marcocci - The Globe on Paper (OUP, 2020)
- Fanny Bessard - Caliphs and Merchants: Cities and Economies of Power in the Near East (700-950) (OUP, 2020)
- E. Charters, M. Houllemare, P. Wilson (eds.) - A Global History of Early Modern Violence (Manchester University Press, 2020)
- Abigail Green & Simon Levis Sullam (eds.) - Jews, Liberalism, Antisemitism: A Global History (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)
- Paul Betts - Ruin and Renewal: Civilising Europe after the Second World War (Profile Books, 2020)
- David Parrott - 1652: The Cardinal, the Prince, and the Crisis of the 'Fronde' (OUP, 2020)
- Marc Lauxtermann & Ida Toth (eds.) - Inscribing Texts in Byzantium: Continuities and Transformations (Routledge, 2020)
- Tips from my first year - notetaking
- Dr Terence Cudbird
- Tips from my first year - essay writing
- Conference: Cabinet, Elaboratory, Gallery 1500-1800
- History After Oxford
- Professor Robert Gerwarth – Visiting Professorship, 2021-22
- History of Parliaments in Latin America
- A hairy relationship: facial hair and gender
- Blood Far Forward: A History of Battlefield Blood Transfusion in the Second World War
- History Careers - a tour of common career destinations
- The constructive tension between History and Economics – thoughts on my first year at Oxford
- Book presentation: Dad, what did you do in Algeria? An investigation into a family silence
- Giuseppe Marcocci awarded the Chabod Prize
- Where China goes next: How authoritarianism, history and technology are creating a new superpower
- Levelling up: how well have state interventions worked?
- Report on the 2021 BAME Humanities Study Day
- Conference: The Second Short Wave of Democratisation in Latin America, 1943-63
- BAME Study Day 2019 - Race and Ethnicity: local, national, and global histories at Oxford
- History Careers - from TV to Teaching
- Dr Kathleen Bryson
- Discovered: a new Rule of Philosophising by Isaac Newton
- Feeling connected to History – tips on writing your personal statement
- Opening Oxford 1871-
- History Careers - Oxford History and the Civil Service
- Ayahs, memsahibs and their children: empire migrants
- Call for Applications: 2022 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions European Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Samuel Ajayi Crowther, Black Victorians and the Future of Africa
- Wahuriu Intote (General China)
- Dr Natalia Doan
- History Careers – Investment management
- Conference: 50 Years of Keith Thomas's Religion and the Decline of Magic
- 2021 Besterman Lecture: How the Enlightenment understood truth — and why that matters
- My typical week as an Oxford History and Politics Undergraduate
- History Careers - Teaching at home and around the world
- A Memorial Concert for Mark Whittow - Registration Page
- Settling in at Oxford - 10 top tips
- Sarah Mortimer - Reformation, Resistance, and Reason of State (1517-1625) (OUP, 2021)
- Dr Eloise Davies
- Dr Conor O'Brien
- Mapping the Thirty Years War
- Dr Edith X Chen
- History Careers - Banking Graduate Programme
- LGBTQ+ Equality Statement
- Dr David Damtar
- Alexander M. Aizenman
- Newton’s road to heresy: a lost disputation discovered in a room-mate’s notebook
- Dr Kiran Mehta
- Maayan (Maaian) Aner
- Antonia Anstatt
- Francis Benyah
- Louisa Bergold
- Damien Bérubé
- Margaret Bryan
- Clare Burgess
- Ksenia Butuzova
- Martina Carandino
- Jamie Chandler
- Shang Cheng
- Zara Christmas
- James Cogbill
- Minna Colakis
- Federica Costantino
- Meredith Cutrer
- Sascha-Lauryn Dacosta-Hinds
- Nilanjana Dutta
- Hollie Eaton
- Theodore Fawcett
- Peter George
- Benjamin Gladstone
- Uziel González-Aliaga
- Leif Hammer
- Patrick (Pak Hei) Hao
- Alan Hawley
- Bhadrajee Hewage
- Michaela Kalcher
- Jiaqi Kang
- Ziad Kiblawi
- Robert Klapper
- Adomas Klimantas
- Simon Lam
- Maximilian Leopold Langefeld
- Aaron Larsen
- Dr Richard Lesmoir-Gordon
- Elena Lichmanova
- Dr Fred Smith
- Arisa Loomba
- John Angus Macaulay
- Ailsa Maxwell
- Sara McQuaid
- Aoife Miralles
- Amita Mistry
- Adrita Mitra
- Kimberley Nicholson
- Julie Partsch
- Henry Oscar Davies Patton
- Kirsty Peacock
- Zaki Rehman
- Alexander Ross
- Helena Rutkowska
- Jessica Shirvanian-Wolfe
- Connie Sjödin
- Kate Rebecca Stanton
- Yusuf Tayara
- Katharine Waldron
- Ziyi Wang
- Nathan Websdale
- Dr Madeline White
- Rozen Whitworth
- Professor Meleisa Ono-George
- The Dacre Lecture 2021: Thinking the “Unthinkable”: Churchill and the Coming of the Cold War
- Catherine Holmes, Jonathan Shepard, Jo Van Steenbergen and Björn Weiler - Political Culture in the Latin West, Byzantium and the Islamic World, c.700–c.1500 (Cambridge, 2021)
- Special Lecture: The Church of Stoudios in Istanbul from Cyril Mango to Urs Peschlow
- Andrew Biedermann
- Adrian Kwong
- Ms Isabel Oakes
- Kathleen Rawlings
- Benjamin Sharkey
- Hanna Sinclair
- Noé Vagner-Clévenot
- The James Ford Special Lecture: Racial capitalism across the black/white Atlantic
- Dr Alex Aylward
- Ewen Green Memorial Lecture: An English Field
- Universities Tests Act 1871: a panel discussion to celebrate the 150th anniversary
- PLAY: Murder in Argos: A Timeless Trial
- Dr Helen Sunderland
- Why Roman Britain? Why Material Culture? Why Dogs?
- Real Dogs Under Rome
- Dogs as Metaphorical Agents: Hierarchy, Inequality, Enslavement
- The Deaths of Dogs and the Lives of Dedicated Ritual Spaces
- Dogs in Everyday Religion
- Making Memories and Making Provincial Society… with Dogs
- Patricia Clavin appointed as the new Professor of Modern History
- Dissidences sexuelles et de genre en URSS et dans l’espace postsoviétique; Sexual and Gender Dissent in the USSR and Post-Soviet Space (2021)
- Dr Leah R Clark
- Professor Andrew Hopper
- Vicky Anderton
- Meet the Outreach Team
- Talks for Schools
- Christian Saints in Egypt: Texts and Contexts
- INGOs and the Long Humanitarian Century: Legacy, Legitimacy, and Leading into the Future
- Economic History Association Annual Meeting success!
- How historians can contribute to tackling the climate crisis
- Professor Filippo de Vivo
- ‘The Horde: How the Mongols Changed the World’ finalist for The 2021 Cundill History Prize
- Prof. Sheilagh Ogilvie's 'The European Guilds' co-winner of the Gyorgy Ranki Prize
- Medieval Mediterranean Communities and Movement 1150-1350
- ‘Alice Longspee says all things are well’: The Business Dealings of a Nun and Scholar of Oxford in the 15th Century
- The female body through the ages - do necks have a history?
- Dr Daniel Rowe
- Dr Sadie Jarrett
- Dr Emanuela Vai awarded prestigious prize by the Italian Embassy
- Dr Jack Avery
- Dr Lia Brazil
- HARMSWORTH LECTURE: The unexceptional roots of American exceptionalism: America in the age of revolution
- Women’s Experiences at the First Coeducational College at the University of Oxford
- The execution of Mary, Queen of Scots: a European news sensation
- Late Antique Opportunities? The Case of Marcella
- Children challenging educational inequality in England, 1944-1970.
- The Crimean Moment and Crucible: Just War, Principles of Peace, and Debates in Victorian Wartime Thought and Culture, 1854-6
- 2021 Disability History Month workshop
- Annual Seamus Heaney Memorial Lecture: Roy Foster in conversation with Barry McCrea
- History Teacher Study Sessions
- Dr Merridee L Bailey
- Brilliant Blunders - Mistakes by Great Physicists that changed our understanding of the Universe
- The Oxford Historian (2022)
- Aled Davies, Ben Jackson, Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite - The Neoliberal Age? Britain since the 1970s (UCL PRESS, 2021)
- History Careers – Journalism and beyond
- Without UNIQ, I wouldn’t be studying at Oxford now
- Dr Jonathan Krause
- Reflecting on my UNIQ experience
- Dr Janelle Winters
- Oxford Re-Formed - Online Exhibition Launch
- 2-Day Conference: Medical Identities in Global History
- British Academy Global Professorships: Expressions of Interest Invited
- Dr Peter Claus
- Oxford University establishes the Jonathan Cooper Professor of the History of Sexualities
- Encounters / Rencontres
- The American Civil War as a Conservative Revolution
- "Story Tellers and their Gifts" - 2022 Foundation Lecture
- Europe's Age of Civil Wars? On the dynamics of violence, 1912-1949
- From Archangel to Athens: Civil Wars and International Mobility
- Law and Coloniality: an entangled and complex history
- Vacancies
- The Carlyle Lectures 2022 - The Cold War and the Canon of Liberalism
- The James Ford Lectures 2022 - Dogsbodies and Dogs’ Bodies: A Social and Cultural History of Roman Britain’s Dogs and People
- Oxford Centre for Global History Inaugural 'Anthony Gwilliam' Annual Lecture
- Cathleen Sarti - Deposing Monarchs: Domestic Conflict and State Formation, 1500-1700 (Routledge, 2021)
- Celebrating the Complete Works of Voltaire
- Hygiene, Health, Pleasure, and Propriety: a Workshop on the History of Bathing
- History Faculty Statement on Ukraine
- An analysis of Putin's imperial ambitions and Ukraine's 300-year road to statehood
- Exploring Histories of Health and Medicine in Oxford
- Sir John Elliott, 23 June 1930 - 9 March 2022
- Academic Visitors at the Faculty of History
- The 'Complete works of Voltaire' are complete – in 205 volumes!
- Harassment and Complaints
- Fascism’s Global Trajectory, 1920-1945: A Grimmer View?
- Professor Jorge Flores - TORCH International Fellow in the Faculty of History (May 2022)
- Astor Lecture 2022: Surviving Illicit Pregnancy in Late Medieval France
- Special Medieval History Lecture: Disciplined Dissent in Western Europe, 1200-1600
- The Dacre Lecture 2022: Stalin’s War on Ukraine and Putin’s War on Ukraine: What we Know Now, and Why it Matters
- History Faculty LGBTQ+ Network Launch: 'Bad Gays' with Huw Lemmey and Ben Miller
- George Rousseau Lecture 2022: Edward Gibbon and Lausanne
- The Oxford Martin Programme on Changing Global Orders
- Conference - Michel Serres: Thinking beyond boundaries
- International Conference: What Was Iberian Asia? New Perspectives on Spanish and Portuguese Exploration 1500-1700
- Workshop: Greening Chronos, Growing Kairos: Turning Time in Religion and the Environmental Humanities
- Dr Victoria Gierok
- Prof. Colin Kidd announced as James Ford Lecturer 2022-23
- Professor Cora Gilroy-Ware
- Prof. Jane Garnett named Staff Champion in Vice-Chancellor's Diversity Awards
- In the Flame of a Proper Lamp: Glass and Glassblowing in Making Modern Chemistry
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships
- After Your Application
- Dmitri Levitin - The Kingdom of Darkness: Bayle, Newton, and the Emancipation of the European Mind from Philosophy (Cambridge University Press, 2022)
- Undergraduate Examinations - 'take home' paper review
- Did the Hundred Years War against France strengthen a sense of English national identity?
- Did universities bring development to British colonial Africa?
- Boston King and the Black Loyalists of the American Revolution
- In Memory of Clive Holmes
- James Belich - The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe (Princeton University Press, 2022)
- Masters Dissertation Prizes 2020-21
- A Backwards Book: New Perspectives on a Classic Scientific Text
- The Oxford Historian: Summer 2022
- Oxford Re-Formed: A New Digital Exhibition
- Ewen Green Memorial Lecture: 'Why schools matter to histories of interwar Britain'
- Dr Zbig Wojnowski
- Raphael Endre Adès
- Matthew Andersen
- Lena Breda
- Daisy Bressington
- Sophie Charron
- Man Sing Cheung
- Holly Cooper
- Suchintan Das
- Joseph DeRosa
- Zhongqi Diao
- David Elliott
- Anna Matilda Eriksson
- Jacob Feltham Forbes
- 2022 Astor Lecture in Medical Humanities - Global Health Emergencies: from Ebola and Covid-19 to Monkeypox and Polio
- Interdisciplinary Roundtable Discussion - Global Health Emergencies: from Ebola and Covid-19 to Monkeypox and Polio
- Graduate Student and ECR Lunchtime Workshop: Global Health Emergencies and the Medical Humanities
- Emilia Flack
- Emily Carrington Freeman
- Yat I Fung
- Baruch Gilinsky
- Benjamin Graham
- Sara Elizabeth Green
- Julia Gustavsson
- Constance Hardesty
- Samuel Head
- Patrick Hegarty-Morrish
- Nathan Hewitt
- Carys Howell
- Euan Huey
- Elliot Jordan
- Matthew Leech-Gerrard
- Caine Lewin-Turner
- Yaxi Liu
- Christopher Lowe
- Rahman Mohammadi
- Ross Moncrieff
- Abraham Murad
- Hendrik Willem Nelis
- Pádraig Nolan
- Alisha Odoi-Smith
- Daniel O'Driscoll
- Grady Owens
- Olana Peters
- Sheng Qian
- Alexandra Roden
- Devon Rosenberger
- Ben Rymer
- Sofia Sanabria De Felipe
- Sana Shah
- Ellen Sharman
- Ruth Fredrick Shoo
- Anna Simms
- Lauren Spohn
- Katharine Olson Taylor
- Joshua Teasdale
- Emma Teworte
- Filippos Toskas
- Chris van Niekerk
- Yiwei Wang
- Clare Whitton
- Charlotte Wood
- Kaiyue Zhang
- Freya Willis
- 2022 Besterman Lecture - Napoleon’s Nemesis: Madame de Staël and the Origins of Liberalism
- Dr Erica Feild-Marchello
- Oxford Historical Monographs (OHM)
- Dr Laure Miolo
- 'The Enslaved Black Family' - St John's Black History Month Lecture
- Peculiarities
- Ancients and Moderns: a Contrapuntal Enlightenment?
- Modern Paganism Revisited
- The Warburtonian Moment
- Platonists and deplatonizers
- Words and Things
- Dr Emanuela Vai awarded a EU Horizon Global Challenges Cofund Scheme – UK/Italy (Digital Humanities and Heritage)
- UNIQ+ research internships
- It’s down to people like me to make sure we are not the last and we are not tokens - Professor Brenda Stevenson
- The Allestree Library, Bishop Martyrdom and The Pursuit of Episcopal Power
- Reckoning with Slavery: Gender, Kinship, and Capitalism in the Early Black Atlantic
- Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships: 2024 Round
- Disability History Hackathon
- Graduate Course Q&A
- Dr Axel Rudi
- Peter H. Wilson - Iron and Blood: A Military History of the German-speaking Peoples Since 1500 (2022)
- Lucy Wooding - Tudor England: A History (Yale University Press, 2022)
- John Allin
- Uncovering childhoods: Accessing archival material for projects focused on twentieth century British History
- A history of ‘gifted children’ shows how social difference was remade beyond ‘class’ in the late twentieth century
- Childhood transitions in Edo period Japan
- Dr. Henry Hammond and the Allestree Library
- “One gold child’s bracelet”: Traces of Children in Stolen Property Documents from the Holocaust in Hungary
- Dr Teresa Witcombe
- From A-level to Oxford
- Astrophoria Foundation Year
- Dr Kristine Dyrmann
- Dr Vincent Roy-Di Piazza
- British Academy Global Professorship award
- AHRC Award: Crafting Documents, c.500-c.800 CE
- For students
- Historia Lectures
- Disability History Hackathon
- A history of my college - Univ
- The Stanley R Friesen Lecture in the History of Surgery - Birth at the Jaws of Death: Caesarean Section in the Nineteenth Century
- Join the historical discussion
- Dr Luke Blaxill
- Mrs Susan Wood
- Lauren Davis
- Dr Natalya Benkhaled-Vince
- Dr Phil Booth
- UNIQ+ research internships: Childhood and Inequality in Modern Britain
- Blind Children in Late Ottoman Istanbul: A Glimpse through Education and Welfare Policies
- Jaber Ferhat
- Dr Mike Humphreys
- Second Ukrainian Writer in Residence elected
- Dr Matthew Kerry
- Professor Saliha Belmessous
- The James Ford Lectures 2023 - Peculiarities of the English Enlightenment: Ancients, Moderns and Pagan Pasts
- Oxford University announces the 2023-24 Terra Foundation Visiting Professor
- Telling Women’s Stories
- My first term as an Oxford history student; a rollercoaster!
- Sandy Herrington
- Dr Akram Beniamin
- Dr Chinami Oka
- Dr Daniel McDonald
- Dr Manuel A. Bautista-González
- Alexia Lewis
- Historia Lectures 2023
- Dr Anna Lively
- Tracing Paths: Finding Young People in the Early Modern World - Professor Nicholas Terpstra
- Dr Boyd van Dijk
- Victoria Skipper
- Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Studying Early Modern Cities: What Space Can Teach Us About Social Histories
- Fear, Fantasy, and Forests: Imagining the World of Witchcraft using the 2015 Horror Film, 'The Witch'
- The Dacre Lecture: ‘Thomas More’s Utopia and virtue politics’
- New exhibition launched: 'Country Houses, Jewish Homes'
- 2023 Astor Lecture in Global History: Why Is China So Big? Rethinking the Realm and its Subjects under the Qing by Professor Kenneth Pomeranz
- Astor Global History Roundtable: Why is China So Big? with Professor Kenneth Pomeranz
- Astor Global History Lunchtime Workshop: The Great Divergence, twenty years on with Professor Kenneth Pomeranz
- Conference: Pasts and Futures of Sovereignty in Kurdistan - Part I
- Conference: Pasts and Futures of Sovereignty in Kurdistan - Part II
- WORKSHOP: New Frontiers for Data Analytics in Economic and Business History Research | GloCoBank Annual Workshop (2)
- 2023 George Rousseau Lecture - Conversations about Roads: A R J Turgot and Economic Enlightenment by Emma Rothschild (Harvard)
- The Oxford Historian: Issue XII (2014/15)
- No Nazi Empire in Central Africa
- The Oxford Historian: Issue I (2003)
- Studying Modern History at Oxford
- The Oxford Historian: Issue II (2004)
- History off the Shelf: History goes online
- Oxford Research: The Writs and Charters of Henry I
- The Century of War: The history of War at Oxford
- What has the Study of History meant to me?
- Celebrity History? Television and the presentation of the past
- ‘Once a King in Narnia’
- The Relevance of Medieval History
- Parliamentary Prospects
- UK’s first Professor of LGBTQ History at University of Oxford
- Catherine M Jackson - Molecular World: Making Modern Chemistry (MIT Press, 2023)
- Workshop: Health, Medicine and Civil-Military Relations
- SEMINAR: Susie J. Pak (St John's University). '"Wall Street Loves a Comeback": The Genre of Financial True Crime'
- The Oxford Martin Programme on Changing Global Orders
- 166338 Programme Administrator: Community History
- Departmental Lecturer in Economic and Social History
- Oxford Centre for Global History 2nd Anthony Gwilliam Annual Lecture
- IT Infrastructure Officer
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 – Data Analysis
- 166510 Academic Assistant
- 'The Value of the Humanities' report
- Dr Ana de Oliveira Dias
- Ewen Green Memorial Lecture - Duelling in the archive: labour quotas for disabled Britons, 1944-1995
- Crafting Documents, c.500-c.800 CE
- Dr Chris Cooper-Davies
- Oxford History of Science turns 50
- Editorial and Administrative Assistant
- 2 x Research Assistant: Changing Global Orders
- Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Visiting Professorship of American History
- Masters Dissertation Prizes 2021-22
- The Oxford Historian: Issue XX (2022-23)
- The Carlyle Lectures 2023 - Custom, Common Law and Civil Law
- Ine Jacobs (ed.) - Cyprus in the Long Late Antiquity: history and archaeology between the sixth and eighth centuries (2022)
- Peter Frankopan - The Earth Transformed: An Untold History (Bloomsbury, 2023)
- Peter Wilson wins 2023 Duke of Wellington Medal for Military History
- 2023 Besterman Lecture - Hegel's Enlightenment
- Robert Bork III
- Cameron Bowman
- Estella Chen
- James Richardson
- Olivia Bennison
- Niklas Groschinski
- Ryan Hampton
- Stefano Lucchini
- Antonio Pattori
- Rebecca Doherty
- Sean Ennis
- Aincre Maame-Fosua Evans
- Natalia Golysheva Deis
- Journal Article - A Work Out of Time: Religion and the Decline of Magic at Fifty, in Past and Present
- Tomas Medina Mora Perez
- Toma-Jin Morikawa-Fouquet
- Conor Muller
- Professor Uta Balbier
- Robert Peszkowski
- Yixin Tian
- Marly Tiburcio-Carneiro
- Benedict Willis
- Yevhen Yashchuk
- Utsa Bose
- Ellen Hausner
- Philippa Monk
- Elena Morgana
- Asmita Sarkar
- Alexander Sherborne
- Leonie Bramwell
- Andrew Clutterbuck
- Jennifer Coulton
- Caitriona Dowden
- Fionnuala Ennis
- Celeste Van Gent
- Writing the Undergraduate Thesis
- Terra Foundation for American Art Visiting Professorship
- Enes Şamil Kiraz
- Chris Caden
- Gabrielle Davies
- Eleri Hedley-Carter
- Natalie Martz
- Alice Reffin
- Thomas (Liang-Chung) Wang
- Freya Willis
- Kenneth Wong
- Sohabe Mojaddidy
- Dr Rebecca Simson
- Murid Shah Nadiri
- Moosa Muzaffar Waraich
- Andrew Davidson
- Klarke Stricklen
- Charlotte Canizo
- Brittany Gittus
- Josef Havránek
- Hugo Lopes Williams
- Arthur McFarlane
- Angelica Rossi-Hawkins
- Elena Russo
- Leah Schreiber
- Sophie West
- Olivia Holder
- Alexander Boote
- Supeng Wang
- Dr Venus Bivar
- Elena Mary
- A B Emden Lecture 2023 - Gulliver’s Travails: Treaties in the Making - and the Breaking - of the Modern World
- Selina Whiteman-Gardner
- Gavin Greif
- Isabel Van Rhee
- Emilia Stuchlik
- Rebecca Knight-Morgan
- Hannah Ezer
- Patricia Clavin & Margaret MacMillan on 'In our time' - The Economic Consequences of the Peace
- Professor Jose Harris, FBA, historian
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Dr Lyndsey Jenkins
- Dr Jessica A. Fernández de Lara Harada
- Lesley Smith - Fragments of a World: William of Auvergne and His Medieval Life (Chicago University Press, 2023)
- St John's Black History Month Lecture 2023: Defending the history of African and Caribbean people in Britain
- Kellogg's Black History Month Annual Lecture 2023: When Will We Be Free? Scenes from a Historical Memoir on Colonialism and Freedom
- HAPP One-Day Conference: Polymaths Across the Eras
- Dr Thomas C Stevens
- Dr Nuno Castel-Branco
- Dr Fergus Nicoll
- Professor Matt Cook
- Dr David Robertson
- Dr Eleanor Leah Williams
- Dr Orçun Can Okan
- Natalie Zemon Davis, 1928-2023
- The World’s Reformation: Propagation
- The World’s Reformation: Apocalypse
- The World’s Reformation: Allurement
- The World’s Reformation: Language
- The World’s Reformation: Enslavement
- The World’s Reformation: A new phase
- Dr Paula Chan
- Brenda Stevenson - The Enslaved Family: Reflections on Resistance
- Departmental Lecturer in Medieval History
- Jon Panagiotidis
- Apply to be an Associate Faculty Member
- Historical activism, autobiographies and life story work with people with learning disabilities - using history and stories for social change (Joint Disability History Month Seminar)
- Post-Mortem by Print: Reflections on the Death of Lucius Cary, 2nd Viscount Falkland
- Mapping Global Banking Networks in the Early Twentieth Century: Banks with Correspondent Connections to London (1901-1913)
- Public Health in China: A Multidisciplinary Workshop
- Research Associate: Pluralist Agreement and Constitutional Transformation (PACT), the Quill Project
- The Internationalisation of Midland Bank: Edward Holden and Correspondent Banking Relations in the United States and Canada (1891-1919)
- Community History Internships: Wytham Project
- Casual Research Assistant: Student Mental Health
- Research Facilitator
- A. Azfar Moin & Alan Strathern (eds.) - Sacred Kingship in World History: Between Immanence and Transcendence (Columbia University Press, 2022)
- Hannah Skoda (ed.), A Companion to Crime and Deviance in the Middle Ages (ARC Humanities, 2023)
- Slade Lecture Series 2023 - "African Artists in the Age of the Big Man" - Professor Chika Okeke-Agulu
- Dr Emanuela Vai has been awarded a UKRI EPSRC grant (Digital Innovation Research)
- Rainbow over Muhlhausen
- Research Associate: Community Public Health and Humanities
- Cerne Abbas Giant: Has the mystery of the chalk hill figure been solved?
- Dr Robert Yee
- Associate Professorship in Early American History (1760-1860) with a Non-Tutorial Fellowship at Brasenose College
- Samantha Bowring
- Associate Professorship in African History
- Historia Lectures 2024
- Voices from the Miners’ Strike Forty Years On: Historians Robert Gildea and Jim Phillips in conversation with Patricia Clavin
- Roundtable discussion of Mooring the Global Archive
- Slade Lectures 2024: William Kentridge
- Slade Lectures 2024: William Kentridge
- Slade Lectures 2024: William Kentridge
- Slade Lectures 2024: William Kentridge
- Slade Lectures 2024: William Kentridge
- Slade Lectures 2024: William Kentridge
- The Perils of Interpreting: The Extraordinary Story of Two Translators Between Qing China and the British Empire
- Crafting Documents Project Launch
- Roundtable Discussion of Southern Europe in the Age of Revolutions, in conversation with Professor Maurizio Isabella (QMUL)
- Hillary Rodham Clinton Chair of Women’s History
- Dr Silke Ackermann
- Celebration of the 300th Anniversary of the Regius Chair in History
- Generations and cohorts, adults and children
- Post-Doctoral Researcher in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 – European Networks
- In Our Time: The Hanseatic League - Sheilagh Ogilvie talks with Melvyn Bragg
- Oxford Centre for European History Special Lecture
- Community History
- Casual Research Assistant: ‘A Muslim History of Oxford’
- Gender Dynamics and Feminist Intervention in Youth Clubs in Late Twentieth-Century England
- Who was the Schools Action Union For?
- LGBT History Month Q&A with Tom Crewe
- LGBT History Month Lecture with Professor Matt Cook
- Ms Teresa Barucci
- 170605 Postdoctoral Research Associate: ‘Rethinking Natural Resources’
- The Global Pontificate of Pius XII: Catholicism in a Divided World, 1945-1958
- Associate Professorship in the History of Medieval Art with a Tutorial Fellowship at St Catherine’s College
- Making a Difference: Community History and Social Change
- Making History Here: Community History in Oxfordshire
- Journeys into Community History (... and what's next for the field?)
- Historical research in the time of the Anthropocene: can climate data help us read the past (and, if so, how)?
- Faculty of History: Use of cookies on this website
- 2024 George Rousseau Lecture
- In Our Time: The Mokrani Revolt - Natalya Benkhaled-Vince talks with Melvyn Bragg
- Specialist interventions, family strategies and the lives of London’s disabled children, 1880-1918
- Associate Professor in Modern History
- An Introduction to Policy Engagement for Historians
- Associate Professor and Tutorial Fellow in Medieval History
- Martin Conway and Camilo Erlichman (eds) - Social Justice in Twentieth-Century Europe (CUP, Feb 2024)
- Military
- Upcoming Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Visiting Professors of American History announced
- Departmental Lecturer in Global and Imperial History
- THE DACRE LECTURE 2024 - ‘The origins of modern Eurocentrism: erudition, theology, philosophy, and race, 1700-1800’
- Tips for the Special Subject Extended Essay
- Research Associate: Pandemic Sciences Institute
- Tutorial Fellowship and Associate Professorship of History
- Workshop - Early Modern Capitalism: Trade, Risk and Profit
- Departmental Lecturer in Early Modern History
- “Far beyond the ken of the pedagogue”? Tracing the fight for scientific authority in nineteenth and twentieth century “child study”
- HR and General Administrative Assistant (secondment cover)
- Workshop - Resonance of Mind: Poetry, Movement & Mental Health
- History Courses
- Making an application
- 'Winch Lectures' - "'Normal for Norfolk': Two Legal Antiquaries on the Norman Conquest"
- Departmental Lecturer in Modern European History
- Dr Tolulope Osayomi
- Conference - Broadcasting Colonialism: Sight, Sound and Media Technologies in the Colonial World
- Dr Zoe Farrell
- Dr Moreed Arbabzadah
- 'A Muslim History of Oxford' Open Day
- Career Development Fellow in West African History
- Departmental Lecturer in Modern Chinese and East Asian History
- Administrative Assistant: Global and Imperial History
- 3-Day International Conference - Global Gender: Pasts, Presents, Futures
- Departmental and College Lecturer in Modern British History
- Departmental Lecturer in American History x 2 posts
- In Our Time: Marsilius of Padua - George Garnett talks with Melvyn Bragg
- College and Departmental Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary History
- 2023 Senior Kirkaldy Prize winners announced
- Oral History Training Workshop
- Oxford Centre for Global History 3rd Anthony Gwilliam Annual Lecture
- Professor Sarah Knott appointed to the Hillary Rodham Clinton Professorship of Women’s History
- Research Associate: “Religion, Identity and Migration in the Global Middle East, 1850-1940” (2 x posts)
- 2024-25 British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Oxford launches essay prize for state school students passionate about history and Classics
- Manas Raturi
- Post-Doctoral Researcher in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 – European Networks
- Departmental Lecturer in Economic and Social History
- Departmental and College Lecturer in Medieval History
- Dr Ellen Paterson
- Ewen Green Memorial Lecture: Histories of Maternal Labour
- Dr Julio Rodriguez Stimson
- Inaugural Lecture of the Professor of Modern History
- Dr Michael Drolet
- How Anthropocene Made Modernity
- Historical Perspectives on Climate, Disasters and Migration
- Helena Constance Aeberli
- Harun Ali
- Naif Alrogi
- Rachael Andrews
- Aymen Aulaiwi
- Michael Bax
- Janina Bechtold
- Katie Burke
- Laura Calnan
- Nengzhi Cao
- Wing Lam Michelle Chan
- Rodrigo De La Flor
- Laura del Alisal
- Spencer Drake
- Madeleine Duperouzel
- Victoria Anastasia Aranowicz
- Gregory Evans
- Pat Flood
- Anna Giluch
- Grace Goslin
- Markus Gstoettner
- Broderick Haldane-Unwin
- Dylan Hebert
- Dr Emily Davenport Guerry
- Hannah Hellerstedt
- Joshua Hickford
- Stephanie Holt
- Jack Jacobs
- Natasha Jenman
- Eszter D Kovacs
- Linda Kvitkina
- Julian Leidy
- Shereece Linton-Ramsay
- Haoming Liu
- Yifei Liu
- Madison Lyonhart
- Emma Manco
- Andrew McNey
- Ryan Mealiffe
- Jay Mens
- Sam Miller
- Riccardo Neri
- Joana Neves Teixeira
- Anastasia O'Brien
- Marco Pakas
- William Poulter
- Elizabeth Preston
- Alok Ranpise
- Sam Riding
- Jacob Rose
- Samuel Rubinstein
- Rajaa Saleem Sahgal
- Hannah Scott-Ravikumar
- Victoria Sands
- Kyle Siwek
- Gabriel Smith
- Bill Smith
- Christian Stecher
- Hannah Stovin
- Katerina Szylo
- Robert James Taylor
- Danielle Van Dalen
- Findlay Willis
- Ioana Zamfir
- Rashel Zemlinskaya
- Qianyi Zhang
- 2024 Besterman Lecture: Suicide and slavery in Enlightenment thought
- Dr Weston Bland
- 2024 Harmsworth Lecture: The Roots of American Authoritarianism
- Scholars' Library: Jasmine Brown on 'Twice as Hard'
- Crafting a new global order? The United Nations and international politics in the 1990s
- Aminath Dhahau Naseem
- Yunyufei Luo
- Ecclesiastical History Society Summer 2024 Conference: The Church and the Military
- Joseph Foster
- Dr Mabel Winter
- Moving Stories
- University of Oxford’s Astrophoria Foundation Year
- Research Associate: RAMC Oral History
- Join the LGBTQ History Hackathon
- Major Research Award from the Marc Fitch Fund: Henry I acta Project
- Professor Sarah Knott
- Dr Matt Myers
- Dr Hunter Harris
- Professor Emily West
- Dr Kanwal Hameed
- Dr Cyma Farah
- Dr Tom Johnson
- Dr Odile Liliana Panetta
- Dr Ying Dai
- Dr David Kennerley
- Professor Nancy Thebaut
- St John's Black History Month Lecture 2024
- International Workshop: The Multilingual Iberian Archive, 1500-1700
- Megan Barber
- The role of the lay elite in the development of early medieval Christian kingship
- Juliet Carey and Abigail Green (eds): Jewish Country Houses (Profile Editions, Nov 2024)
- Dr Michael E Odijie
- Professor Michael Braddick
- Spotlight on... Researcher in Residence
- Richard Reid - The African Revolution: A History of the Long Nineteenth Century (Princeton University Press, 2025)
- Sarah Knott - Hillary Rodham Clinton Chair of Women’s History
- Priya Atwal announced as one of the three judges for The Conversation Prize for writers
- UNIQ Research Internships - A deep dive into the Faculty of History’s Moving Stories Project
- Professor Tehila Sasson
- The Carlyle Lectures 2024 - Clarendon and the Practice of Politics
- The James Ford Lectures 2024 - The World’s Reformation
- The History of Oxford Student Journalism
- International Conference: Catholicism and the Cold War in Latin America
- Dr Carolyn La Rocco
- Digital Global Plants: Reframing Collections and Reconstructing Science
- Exploring the World of Ascetics, Ethnicity and Empire: Studying European and World History from 370 to 900
- Keble and the Colonial Legacy
- Beit Professor of Global and Imperial History
- “Alle mine thegenas … frencisce & englisce”: The Languages of 1066 – And All That
- Langue des reines: The Importance of Women to French and French to Women.
- Expansions: ‘Everyone knows that French is better understood and more widely used than Latin’: Matthew Paris (in French, 1253-59)
- ‘That each may in his own tongue … know his God’ (Grosseteste, in French, 1230s): Bible Translation in Medieval England
- “Lette Frenchmen in their Frenche endyten”(Thomas Usk, c.1384-87): French in the Multilingual Fourteenth Century
- “Et lors que parlerez anglois /Que vous n’oubliez pas le François” (manuscript dedication, c. 1445) : Off-shoring French?
- New workshop series on ‘Creative Storytelling and Oral History’
- The Conservative Dilemma
- Conservatism and Theodicy
- Relational Conservatism
- “The Paradox of Conservative Justice”
- Conservatism and The Way Things Are
- The Legitimacy of Expectations
- The Oxford Historian (2023)
- Latin America and the Global History of Democracy, 1810-1930
- Academic Office Assistant
- George Garnett - Bartolus of Sassoferrato Three Tracts on City Government and Related Writings (CUP, 2024)
- Writing, psychoanalysis and history: Hannah Zeavin In Conversation
- Associate Professorship in the Art of the Americas with a Tutorial Fellowship at Worcester College
- Eleanor Rathbone Professor of Contemporary European History
- 2025 Annual A B Emden Lecture: Slavery and capitalism across the C18 Atlantic world
- Sutton Hoo and Syria: The Anglo-Saxons Who Served in the Byzantine Army?
- Technological and Organizational Sophistication in North American Indigenous Economies, 1000-1500
- Mehmet Tatoglu
- Daniel Leese - 'Historical Justice under State Socialism'
- Dr Sabine Schneider
- Associate Professorship in the History of Contemporary Art with a Tutorial Fellowship at Wadham College
- Stephanie Yoxall
- New series on 'Care' as a scholarly category
- Dr Lyndsey Jenkins, History Fellow at Mansfield College, Awarded £215k AHRC Catalyst Grant
- Historia Lectures 2025
- Dr Andrés Bustamante Agudelo
- Chichele Professor of Medieval History
- “Greeting to my little brother I would like to see him again” Examining the experiences of children and youth growing up in care in early 20th century Denmark
- Citizenship and the Finnish School Radio of the 1930s
- Koch Junior Fellowship in History
- The Koch History Centre (KHC): A new Historical Research Centre at Oxford
- Dr Vaida Niksaite
- 2024 Senior Kirkaldy Prize winner announced
- Book presentation and discussion: Quentin Skinner, Liberty as Independence: The Making and Unmaking of a Political Ideal (2025)
- KOCH Centre Manager
- New scholarship announced for graduate studies in History of Art
- Queer Beyond London: LGBTQ+ lives since the 1960s | Professor Matt Cook
- Oliver Smithies Lecture: The Sudanese Giraffe Who Went to France: The Life and Afterlife of Zarafa, 1824-2024
- The African Revolution: A History of the Long Nineteenth Century - Richard Reid talks to Nick Higham
- EARLY CAREER/DOCTORAL WORKSHOP: Cross-Border Payments in Historical Perspective | GloCoBank Project Event
- CONFERENCE: Cross-Border Payments in Historical Perspective | GloCoBank Project Event
- KEYNOTE LECTURE: Linda Goldberg, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 'The Risk Sensitivity of Global Liquidity Flows: Heterogeneity, Recent Evolution and Drivers'
- Historians at the Oxford Literary Festival 2025
- ‘Caring about care: The economic history of caring labour’
- Uneven: Nine Lives that Redefined Bisexuality - Sam Mills talks to Matt Cook
- Queer Beyond London: LGBTQ Stories from Four English Cities
- Summer of Fire and Blood: The German Peasants’ War
- Controlling Contagion: Epidemics and Institutions from the Black Death to Covid
- Associate Professorship in Byzantine History with non-tutorial fellowship at Corpus Christi College
- 1-Day Conference: History, Eugenics, and Human Enhancement: How the Past Can Inform Ethical Debates in the Present
- The Oxford Historian (2024-25)
- 'Cosy Cafés and Culture Wars: Orbanism and Academia in Budapest'
- “Understanding the Chemocene”: A new venture at the interface between history and chemistry
- The James Ford Lectures 2025 - French in Medieval Britain: Cultural Politics and Social History, c. 1100-c. 1500
- Inclusive Teaching and Disability Workshop
- Ying Tong
- Associate Professorship in Medieval Latin Manuscript Studies with a Non-Tutorial Fellowship at Wadham College
- Dr Tehreem Husain
- Oxford Centre for European History and Isaiah Berlin Annual Lecture: On Mechanical Traces: Reflecting on Connoisseurship, Once Again
- Koch Senior Fellowship in History
- Exhibition: Oracles, Omens and Answers
- Book Launch: Divination, Oracles & Omens