About Us
The Centre for Women’s, Gender and Queer Histories (WGQ) brings together scholars in those vibrant and forward-thinking subfields, with a lively sense of their overlap, their contributions to theory and method, and the tensions and promise in considering them together. We are interested in intersectional approaches to women as historical actors, to gender as a plural category of historical analysis, and to LGBTQ+ histories. We grapple with dilemmas of archives and historical interpretation, and the ongoing relationship between past and present.
WGQ has its origins in the Centre for Gender, identity and Subjectivity which was established by the Faculty of History in 2014. Today, WGQ gathers a welcoming weekly research seminar, graduate-led reading groups and networks, extra events, and annual or biennial lectures and conferences. Signalling the university’s commitment to these fields, in 2020 the Faculty established the Hillary Rodham Clinton Chair of Women’s History and in 2024 the Jonathan Cooper Chair in the History of Sexualities. WGQ seeks to ensure that women’s, gender and queer histories remain major themes of research for which Oxford is known internationally, and to collaborate with fellow travellers in adjacent fields.
WGQ does its work with the support of the Faculty of History, the Clinton and Cooper Chairs, and Mansfield and St John’s Colleges.