Digitizing Enlightenment II
A Workshop on Early Modern Prosopography and Social Networks

Thursday July 19
9:00-9:15 Coffee
9:15-9:30 Opening remarks by Nicholas Cronk
9:30-11:00 Round Table 1. Digitizing Enlightenment? Prosopography? Networks?
Convenor: Glenn Roe
Gregory Brown, Simon Burrows, Howard Hotson, Alicia Montoya
- Digitizing Enlightenment as a network.
- Prosopography in the digital age.
- Prosopography in literary, intellectual, and book history.
11:00-11:15 Morning Tea
11:15-11:30 Project presentation 1. EMLO (Arno Bosse & Miranda Lewis)
11:30-13:00 Round table 2. What are historical or intellectual networks?
Convenor: Gregory Brown
Ruth Ahnert, Keith Baker, Laurence Brockliss, Pierre Musitelli
- Communities, networks, collective biographies.
- Sociability and social networks.
- Correspondences as neworks.
13:00-13:45 Lunch (provided for speakers and presenters)
13:45-14:00 Project presentation 2. Quill Project (Nicholas Cole)
14:00-15:30 Round table 3. What is social network analysis?
Convenor: Arno Bosse
Sebastien Ahnert, Chico Camargo, Katherine Eccles, Chris Warren
- Social network analysis in the social sciences.
- Historical vs. contemporary networks.
- Networks as historical/literary evidence.
15:30-15:45 Afternoon Tea
15:45-16:00 Project presentation 3. Six Degrees of Francis Bacon (Chris Warren)
16:00-17:30 Round table 4. How to re-construct a social network?
Convenor: Jess Goodman
Melanie Conroy, Nicholas Cole, Miranda Lewis, Geoffrey Turnovsky
- What do scholars need to know about individuals to place them in social networks?
- How do we record those attributes?
- Authorities and disambiguation.
18:00-19:30 Reception for participants at Balliol College (Senior Common Room)
19:30 Dinner for participants at Balliol College
Friday July 20
9:00-9:15 Coffee
9:15-9:30 Project presentation 4. FBTEE/MPCE (Simon Burrows)
9:30-11:00 Round table 5. Who or what is excluded from networks?
Convenor: Avi Lifschitz
Chloe Edmondson, Patrick Fiska, Kelsey Rubin-Detlev
- Who or what is not recorded in the documentation of historical social networks? Why?
- Questions of gender, class, geographic displacement, etc.
11:00-11:15 Morning tea
11:15-11:30 Project presentation 5. Early Modern Digital Gazetteer (Katie McDonough)
11:30-13:00 Round table 6. Beyond networks, beyond prosopography?
Convenor: Robert Morrissey
Mikkel Jensen, Mark Olsen, Christopher York, Lena Zlock
- Networks as visualisation tools.
- Non-prosopographical networks.
- Is everything a network?
- What isn’t a network?
13:00-13:45 Lunch (provided for speakers and presenters)
13:45-14:00 Project presentation 6. Natural Law Academics (Mikkel Jensen)
14:00-15:30 Round table 7. How to link, sustain, and maintain networks?
Convenor: Kathryn Eccles
Katie McDonough, Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, David Robey, Pip Wilcox
- Linking prosopographical data.
- Sharing, interoperability, and sustainability.
- Meta-networks (networks of networks).
15:30-15:45 Afternoon tea
15:45-16:00 Project presentation 7. Salons & Procope (M. Conroy & C. Edmondson)
16:00-17:30 Round table 7. Where do we go from here?
Convenors: Gregory Brown & Glenn Roe
Howard Hotson, Rob Iliffe, Robert Morrissey, Catriona Seth
Presentations of current Early Modern/Enlightenment DH projects: Nicholas Cole, Quill Project www.quillproject.net
Arno Bosse & Miranda Lewis, Early Modern Letters Online emlo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk Katherine McDonough, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research library.stanford.edu/research/cidr
Mikkel Jensen, Natural Law Academics www.republicofletters.net
Chris Warren, Six Degrees of Francis Bacon www.sixdegreesoffrancisbacon.com
Simon Burrows, French Book Trade in the Eighteenth Century fbtee.uws.edu.au
Melanie Conroy & Chloe Edmondson, Salons Project blogs.memphis.edu/salonsproject
Digitizing Enlightenment III Speakers and Presenters
- Ruth Ahnert (Queen Mary’s University, London)
- Sebastian Ahnert (Cambridge University)
- Keith Baker (Stanford University)
- Arno Bosse (Cultures of Knowledge)
- Lawrence Brockliss (History Faculty, Oxford)
- Gregory Brown (University of Nevada, Las Vegas/ Voltaire Foundation)
- Simon Burrows (University of Western Sydney)
- Chico Camargo (Oxford Internet Institute)
- Nicholas Cole (History Faculty, Oxford / Quill Project)
- Melanie Conroy (University of Memphis)
- Nicholas Cronk (Faculty of Modern Languages, Oxford / Voltaire Foundation)
- Kathryn Eccles (Oxford Internet Institute)
- Chloe Edmundson (Stanford University)
- Patrick Fiska (Universität Wien)
- Howard Hotson (History Faculty, Oxford / Cultures of Knowledge)
- Rob Iliffe (History Faculty, Oxford / Newton Project)
- Mikkel Jensen (European University Institute)
- Miranda Lewis (Cultures of Knowledge)
- Avi Lifschitz (History Faculty / Voltaire Foundation)
- Katherine McDonough (Stanford University)
- Alicia Montoya (Radboud University)
- Robert Morrissey (University of Chicago / ARTFL)
- Pierre Musitelli (École normale supérieure, Paris)
- Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller (Australian National University)
- Mark Olsen (University of Chicago/ ARTFL)
- David Robey (Oxford e-Research Centre)
- Glenn Roe (Australian National University / Voltaire Foundation)
- Kelsey Rubin-Detlev (University of Southern California)
- Catriona Seth (Faculty of Modern Languages, Oxford)
- Geoffrey Turnovsky (University of Washington)
- Chris Warren (Carnegie-Mellon University)
- Pip Wilcox (Center for Digital Scholarship, Bodleian Libraries)
- Christopher York (London School of Economics / Yale University)
- Lena Zlock (Stanford University)