I am an Editor for the British Academy project, Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues, published by the British Library, a project to gather and interpret every catalogue, booklist, or other documentary evidence attesting the holdings of the institutional libraries of medieval Britain, and provide a cumulative index of authors and works so as to make that information accessible. I am also Director of a record-digitization project, Medieval Libraries of Great Britain, the aim of which is to produce a new, digital edition of the standard repertory that lists surviving books by their medieval institutional provenance. This work is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation of New York.
I am a General Editor for the series British Writers of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period: Editions, Translations, and Studies, an imprint of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto. And I am the co-Editor of The Library: Transactions of the Bibliographical Society.
The theme that runs through my research connects medieval books and libraries as an approach to learning in the middle ages, and the writing, publication and transmission of texts from the early middle ages into the sixteenth century. I have a particular interest in the survival of manuscripts in England, after the suppression of nearly all of the institutional libraries of medieval England at the time of the Reformation made the survival of books a matter of chance.