BA History and English

This joint degree enables students to combine the study of history with that of English language and literature. The intersection between language, culture, and history is currently the focus of active debate within both the disciplines and you are encouraged throughout your course to relate literary and historical ideas in the investigation of your chosen periods, topics, or authors.
A History course already enriched by a strong cultural input is an ideal companion to the study of English literature. Whether your interest is in early or Middle English, the Renaissance, or the later periods, intellectually fruitful combinations are possible. The joint degree includes two explicitly interdisciplinary papers taught jointly by specialists in the two subjects.
Year 1 (Prelims)
Students study four papers, on which they are examined at the end of the first year. You will study:
1. History of the British Isles
2. EITHER a paper on historical methods, (Approaches to History or 'Historiography: Tacitus to Weber) OR an Optional Subject in History
3. Introduction to English Language and Literature.
4. An additional course in English (Early Medieval Literature (650 – 1350), Victorian Literature (1830 – 1910) or Modern Literature (1910 – present).)
Years 2 & 3 (Final Honours School)
Seven papers are taken, which are assessed by a mix of submitted work and written examinations. You will study:
1. An interdisciplinary ‘bridge’ paper, for example, Representing the City (London), 1558-1640.
2. A period of British History not studied in the first year.
3. TWO subjects from the broad range of papers available in years 2 and 3 of the English Language and Literature course.
4. EITHER a History Special Subject OR two from: a History Further Subject paper; a period of British or European and World History not already covered; an additional subject from the English course.
5. An interdisciplinary dissertation on a subject area of your choice.