Journal Article - A Work Out of Time: Religion and the Decline of Magic at Fifty, in Past and Present 18 Aug 2023
King Sigismund and Martin Luther: the Reformation Before Confessionalization - Winner of Four Book Prizes 24 Nov 2020
Alexandra Gajda & Paul Cavill (eds.) - Writing the History of Parliament in Tudor and Early Stuart England (2018)
Dmitri Levitin - The Kingdom of Darkness: Bayle, Newton, and the Emancipation of the European Mind from Philosophy (Cambridge University Press, 2022)
E. Charters, M. Houllemare, P. Wilson (eds.) - A Global History of Early Modern Violence (Manchester University Press, 2020)
Giuseppe Marcocci & Lucio Biasiori (eds.) Machiavelli, Islam and the East: Reorienting the Foundations of Modern Political Thought (Palgrave, 2018)
Howard Hotson - The Reformation of Common Learning: Post-Ramist Method and the Reception of the New Philosophy, 1618-1670 (OUP 2020)
James Belich - The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe (Princeton University Press, 2022) 3 Aug 2022
Lyndal Roper, Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet (Bodley Head, 2016) When Martin Luther nailed a sheet of paper to the church door of a small university town on 31 October 1517, he set off a process that changed the Western world for ever.
Natalia Nowakowska - King Sigismund of Poland and Martin Luther The Reformation before Confessionalization (OUP, 2018)
Professor Steven Gunn Fellow and Tutor in History, Merton College and Professor of Early Modern History Merton
Professor Geraldine A. Johnson Associate Professor of the History of Art; Fellow of Christ Church Christ Church
Professor J P Park June and Simon Li Professor in the History of Art and Fellow of Lincoln College Department of History of Art
Professor Katherine Paugh Associate Professor of Atlantic World Women's History Corpus Christi College
Dr Hannah Smith Tutorial Fellow and Associate Professor in Early Modern British History St Hilda's College
Dr George Southcombe Director of the Sarah Lawrence Programme, and Fellow by Special Election in History Wadham College
Dr Emanuela Vai Head of Bate Collections and Archives | Senior Research Fellow Head of Research (Humanities), Worcester College
Professor Craig Clunas Professor Emeritus of the History of Art Trinity College, History of Art Department
Dr Stephanie M. Cavanaugh Sir John Elliott Junior Research Fellow in Spanish History (1400-1900) Exeter College
Dr Catherine Jenkinson College Lecturer in History and Julian Schild Junior Research Fellow Pembroke College
Giovanni Maria Pala Postdoctoral Researcher in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 - Data Analysis
Dr Cecilia Tarruell Sir John Elliott Junior Research Fellow in European History 1500–1800 Oriel College
17 Sep Beyond Truth: Fiction and (Dis)information in the Early Modern World 17-18 September New College, Oxford
17 Apr Costs of War – Impact, Meaning and Perceptions, OXPO Conference All Souls College, Wharton Room
11 May Crossing the North Sea: Anna of Denmark, Cultural Transfer, and Transnational Politics (1589-1619) Ship Street Centre, Jesus College, University of Oxford
16 Oct Early Black Lives Special Seminar Joan Thirsk Common Room, Faculty of History, George Street OX1 2RL
26 Feb Maria Theresa (1717-1780): Tercentenary workshop on the Habsburg empress and her time The Queen’s College, Oxford
15 Feb New Approaches to Cultural History in the Early Modern World Fabeckstr. 23-25, room 0.2001 - Freie Universitat, Berlin
1 Jun OCEH Special Annual Lecture - Making and Knowing: Vernacular Knowledge and Craft Practice in Early Modern Europe Lecture Theatre - History Faculty
14 Oct Oxford Centre for Global History Inaugural 'Anthony Gwilliam' Annual Lecture Why Europe? Y. Pestis. The Black Death and the rise of Europe H B Allen Centre, Keble College, Banbury Road OX2 6NN
24 Oct Remembering the Jagiellonians: A Book at Lunchtime by TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG
7 Sep Research Day: Reconstructing Nicholas Crouch: the library of a seventeenth-century medic Faculty of English Language and Literature, St Cross Building, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UL
8 Nov Science Fictions: The triumph of the imagination and the invention of scientific creativity Professor Rob Iliffe South School, Examination Schools
4 May The Dacre Lecture 2018: ‘The sufferings and greatness of Saxony-Poland 1648-1763’ Corpus Christi College
20 May The Dacre Lecture 2022: Stalin’s War on Ukraine and Putin’s War on Ukraine: What we Know Now, and Why it Matters Al Jaber Auditorium, Corpus Christi College
12 May The Dacre Lecture: ‘Thomas More’s Utopia and virtue politics’ The Old Library, All Souls College
2 Jul The Iberian World and the East: Go-betweens and meditations, 16th-18th centuries Maison Française d’Oxford, 2-10 Norham Road, Oxford, OX2 6SE
25 Apr The Polish-Italian Royal Wedding of 1518: Dynasty, Memory & Language Lecture Theatre, Weston Library
25 Apr The ‘Early Modern Mind’ seminar series Wednesdays at 5 pm (Trinity term), Lecture Room A, The Queens College
5 Oct Workshop 'Resuscitation, Reanimation, and the Modern World' Maison Française d’Oxford (2-10 Norham Road, OX2 6SE)
26 Apr ‘Renaissance Royal Weddings & Cultural Production’ Conference The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities and St Anne's College, Oxford.
15 Jan The Carlyle Lectures 2019 - The End of Enlightenment Professor Richard Whatmore (University of St Andrews) Examination Schools
19 Jan The Carlyle Lectures 2021 - John Locke and Empire Mark Goldie (Professor Emeritus of Intellectual History, University of Cambridge; Honorary Professor, University of Sussex) Online
22 Jan The Carlyle Lectures 2022 - The Cold War and the Canon of Liberalism Samuel Moyn (Henry R. Luce Professor of Jurisprudence, Yale University) Examination Schools
17 Jan The Carlyle Lectures 2023 - Custom, Common Law and Civil Law Professor John Hudson (Professor of Legal History, University of St. Andrews; L. Bates Lea Global Professor of Law, Michigan Law)
19 Jan The James Ford Lectures 2018 - The Reformation of the Generations: Age, Ancestry, and Memory in England c. 1500-1700 Alexandra Walsham (University of Cambridge) South School, Examination Schools
22 Jan The James Ford Lectures 2021 - Ireland, empire, and the early modern world Professor Jane Ohlmeyer (Trinity College Dublin) Examination Schools
31 Jan The Slade Lectures : From Drawing to Painting in the Italian Renaissance Mathematical Institute, Andrew Wiles Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road OX2 6GG
Fear, Fantasy, and Forests: Imagining the World of Witchcraft using the 2015 Horror Film, 'The Witch' Aaron Larsen